Best Buds Joey & Caleb

Joey's first day skiing!!
Reflecting back on 2008 it was an amazing year of changes, challenges and growth. Our amazing son Caleb was added to our family almost a year ago. Joey and Caleb amaze me every day how well they have adjusted to their life with Lee and I and with each other.
Caleb had two surgeries that you would never know he had...........even the day after. What an amazing boy. He has the brightest outlook and is always smiling. Joey, he is always the caretaker. He takes care of his brother and always comforts him when he is not feeling well. If anyone is not feeling well he is there to offer loves and help you out. We are so blessed with our amazing children.
It has been a year of challenges for me. It was a huge adjustment growing our family and working through all the "normal" routines for us. At times it was very overwhelming for me and I fear that some of my personal friendships were severely neglected in the process. As 2009 gets underway I hope to rekindle those friendships. Any of my dear friends or family I have neglected this past year I am very sorry!!
It has also been a year for growth. I am back in school and think I am finally figuring out what I want to be when I grow up!! I started selling some amazing children s books and I have started taking better care of myself in many ways.
I hope everyone has an amazing 2009.