Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Adventure!!
I have always had a passion for books and now having 2 adorable boys from China I am always looking for great resources of books about China and other diverse cultures for Joey and Caleb. I found that through Barefoot Books and have decided to join their team. I am now a stallholder with them and wanted to announce to everyone they have some beautiful books and gift packages available for the holidays. Please click on the attached banner to visit my website and see what's available. Let me know what you all think!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Caleb's Surgery Update
Caleb's surgery went well yesterday. They repaired his Hypospadias and rebuilt the opening for the uretha. We were also able to have an injection done that we are hoping will stop the kidney reflux. We wont know for a few months if that is successful or not so we stay on the antibiotics until we can retest him. His testicles seemed ok once they had him completely under sedation. So all and all it seems we accomplished a lot. And the reflux we were expecting to deal with next year but it seemed to make sense to try this. We were able to come home with no problems. He slept a lot yesterday and was pretty much back to normal this morning. Around 11:30 he was saying he hurt and when I went to change his diaper his stint in his penis had pulled out some so I called the Dr. He said to come to the hospital and he would readjust it for us. By the time we got there the stint had come out completely and so the Dr just removed the stitch holding it in place and we are going to watch everything. It is too risky with the swelling to put the stint back in place. We will follow up with the Dr again next week.
Thank you to everyone that was sending thoughts and prayers our way!!
Thank you to everyone that was sending thoughts and prayers our way!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Caleb's Surgery Tomorrow
Caleb is scheduled for surgery tomorrow September 3rd. We expect this surgery to be outpatient and we hope to be home in the afternoon. Please send your thoughts and prayers our way as Caleb has another surgery. This should be the last one for at least a year!!
Caleb's First Football Game!
Caleb had a weekend full of firsts!! Not only did he turn TWO on the first but the night before his birthday he went to his first football game!! We have season tickets to Colorado State Rams and we really enjoy going to the games and Joey is a HUGE fan. His favorite animal he sleeps with is "Rammy" a white CSU Ram we got at a game last year. Caleb enjoyed his first game and at one point was cheering "Hooray" then "Boo"he couldnt decide what he should be cheering so he went with both!!

Caleb's Two!
I can't believe my baby is two already and that he has been with us for six months!! He is amazing. He LOVED getting gifts for his birthday. He wasn't too sure what to do when it was time to open presents but I think he will have it all figured out by the time Christmas gets here and he see's Joey next month opening his gifts. He loves the movie Cars and any kind of moving vehicle. Planes, trains, but most importantly CARS. Joey picked out a set of matchbox cars for Caleb and he wouldn't hardly put them down all night long. It took until tonight before he was really interested in some of his other toys!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Vaseline Anyone?!?
Ok...........so I know this started out innocent enough.........you know a boy has gotta have a little vaseline when he is changing his pullup right!?! But I think this is getting a little carried away!!
I have to keep patting my head to make sure I got
I have to keep patting my head to make sure I got
ALL my head covered, I would hate to miss a spot!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Caleb's Adventures
Caleb has decided to have a busy week this week. After a fun day playing at the lake Sunday the boys were playing in the dining room and next thing we know Caleb is crying and when Ba Ba picks him up his eye is bleeding. Well after cleaning it up a little we can see that his skin has popped open on the corner right next to his eye.
We go out to talk to Joey and try to find out what he hit it on and Joey is hiding under the table systematically pulling all the chairs in around him. Well.........after explaining to Joey we are not mad at him that we just need to know how Caleb hurt his eye in case we need to go to the Dr. he decides to come out of hiding. I call Lao Lao to have her come over and watch Joey so we can take Caleb to the Dr. In the mean time Joey is "demonstrating" on Rammy (his CSU Ram he carry's everywhere these days!) what happened to Caleb. So as far as we can tell via Joey's demo is that he either dropped the booster seat on Caleb or he put it on Caleb's head and pushed down on it..................so off to the Dr. we go and the thought they would have to do stitches but were able to use Dermabond to seal everything up. Here are a couple of pictures.
So............we are thinking ok........crisis over..........we are done for a while..........BUT..........
Caleb has other ideas!!
Monday night I come home and Lao Lao and I are getting ready to go to golf lessons and next thing I know I am in the other room and Caleb is crying and Lao Lao is asking him if he is ok. Go into the room and he had decided to stand on the couch and try to get Lao Lao when she wasn't looking and stepped (or tried to jump) off the couch reaching for her and landed hard on his arm. Well he gets up and is not using his arm at all!! We finally get him to raise it to about shoulder height but it just doesnt look right.
SO..............I call Ba Ba and tell him to come home we are going to Urgent Care again tonight!! Lee comes home and Lao Lao stays home to take care of Joey for us again! Well, by the time we got there and in to see the Dr the Motrin I gave him at home kicked in and he is moving his arm just fine like nothing ever happened!! Ba Ba has now told him no more visits to Urgent Care for the rest of the year!!
We go out to talk to Joey and try to find out what he hit it on and Joey is hiding under the table systematically pulling all the chairs in around him. Well.........after explaining to Joey we are not mad at him that we just need to know how Caleb hurt his eye in case we need to go to the Dr. he decides to come out of hiding. I call Lao Lao to have her come over and watch Joey so we can take Caleb to the Dr. In the mean time Joey is "demonstrating" on Rammy (his CSU Ram he carry's everywhere these days!) what happened to Caleb. So as far as we can tell via Joey's demo is that he either dropped the booster seat on Caleb or he put it on Caleb's head and pushed down on it..................so off to the Dr. we go and the thought they would have to do stitches but were able to use Dermabond to seal everything up. Here are a couple of pictures.
Caleb has other ideas!!
Monday night I come home and Lao Lao and I are getting ready to go to golf lessons and next thing I know I am in the other room and Caleb is crying and Lao Lao is asking him if he is ok. Go into the room and he had decided to stand on the couch and try to get Lao Lao when she wasn't looking and stepped (or tried to jump) off the couch reaching for her and landed hard on his arm. Well he gets up and is not using his arm at all!! We finally get him to raise it to about shoulder height but it just doesnt look right.
SO..............I call Ba Ba and tell him to come home we are going to Urgent Care again tonight!! Lee comes home and Lao Lao stays home to take care of Joey for us again! Well, by the time we got there and in to see the Dr the Motrin I gave him at home kicked in and he is moving his arm just fine like nothing ever happened!! Ba Ba has now told him no more visits to Urgent Care for the rest of the year!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
We just got the most amazing blog make over from Diana. She was waiting for her adorable daughter Dori when we were waiting for Joey and we were memebers of the same DTC Group from July 2005. I was so excited when I learned she was doing blog makeovers because I had been looing into them for a while. What do you all think?!? Also......she designed this great signature to match!! I love it all!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Joey's Art Project
Monday, June 9, 2008
Caleb's Post Surgery Appointment
Caleb had is follow up today at the Dr's office. He is recovering amazingly well. You would never suspect he just had surgery on his back of all things just over a week ago. They let him get out of bed last Saturday (we came home that afternoon) and he has been on the go ever since!! He gets a little sore sometimes but it doesnt slow him down much!
The Dr. said he had a little bit of blood leak and clot in a pocket beneath the incision. It appears to be breaking down now but we will be keeping an eye on it to make sure it does not get any worse. Otherwise he is doing great and we dont have to see the surgeon again for another couple of weeks. We have a follow up appointment with his Colorectal Dr to talk more about the constipation issues he has had but overall he is doing wonderful!!
Thank you to everyone for all the prayers and generous emails while Caleb was in the hospital!!
The Dr. said he had a little bit of blood leak and clot in a pocket beneath the incision. It appears to be breaking down now but we will be keeping an eye on it to make sure it does not get any worse. Otherwise he is doing great and we dont have to see the surgeon again for another couple of weeks. We have a follow up appointment with his Colorectal Dr to talk more about the constipation issues he has had but overall he is doing wonderful!!
Thank you to everyone for all the prayers and generous emails while Caleb was in the hospital!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Caleb is doing GREAT!
Caleb's surgery went really well and as anticipated. There were no complications and he is recovering well. He is eating and drinking and getting lots of sleep. He has been giving us lots of smiles and is in a great mood this morning. He has to stay laying down today but will hopefully be able to get up this afternoon.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Surgery Schedule
We will be heading to Children's Hospital in Denver first thing tomorrow morning for Caleb's surgery. It is scheduled for 10 am and they are estimating about 3 hours for the surgery. He should be in the hospital for about 3 days. He has to be able to do several things before he can go home. He has to be able to eat and keep it down. He has to have a bowel movement. And he has to be able to walk to the elevators. It should be a piece of cake for our active boy!!
We went on a tour of the hospital today and the new hospital is great. All the rooms are private rooms and have a pull out double bed so we can stay there with him. I will be staying the entire time with him and Baba will have to leave a little bit Friday and Saturday for some appointments but will be up at the hospital with us otherwise.
Joey will be staying with Lao Lao while Caleb is in the hospital and she will bring Joey up to visit Caleb once he is awake a little. Joey is looking forward to spending some time with Lao Lao and getting some special treats and spending the night at Lao Lao's.
Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days.
We went on a tour of the hospital today and the new hospital is great. All the rooms are private rooms and have a pull out double bed so we can stay there with him. I will be staying the entire time with him and Baba will have to leave a little bit Friday and Saturday for some appointments but will be up at the hospital with us otherwise.
Joey will be staying with Lao Lao while Caleb is in the hospital and she will bring Joey up to visit Caleb once he is awake a little. Joey is looking forward to spending some time with Lao Lao and getting some special treats and spending the night at Lao Lao's.
Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days.
Caleb's First Haircut!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Fatty Filum
Caleb is having surgery on Thursday for a Fatty Filum or Tethered Cord. Here is a great description of what it is:
"The filum terminale is like a thin elastic band, about 8 inches long. At the top, it is formed from one of the layers of tissue surrounding your spinal cord, and extends from the bottom of your spinal cord to the tip of your tail bone. The outside of the "elastic band" has a few nerve fibres sticking to it.
The filum terminale works as an anchor for the spinal cord. For people with normal anatomy, the filum stretches when they bend over to allow the spinal cord to move up in the spinal column and then goes back to normal length when the person straightens up and gently pulls the spinal cord back to its normal position.
When the filum is fat-filled, fibrous and tight, it will not allow the spinal cord to move up and down within the spinal column, and so the spinal cord and the nerves end up being stretched instead of the filum. In most people this causes nerve damage".
Everybody has a filum terminale; it is a threadlike piece of tissue that connects the end of the spinal cord to the sacral end of the spinal canal in the pelvic area. In patients with a thickened filum (defined as more than 2 mm in diameter) [Yundt, 1997], the filum is shorter or lower-lying than normal and is thickened with fatty or fibrous tissue. This abnormality causes the filum to become relatively inelastic (a bit like a rope or cord, rather than an elastic band) and the spinal cord becomes tethered at an abnormally low level, thereby giving rise to the recognised signs and symptoms of a tethered spinal cord. "
More information can be found on the following website http://www.btinternet.com/~tetheredcordresources/tethered_cords.htm
Tomorrow we will be going to the hospital for labs and a pre surgery physical. Please pray for Caleb as he prepares for this surgery.
"The filum terminale is like a thin elastic band, about 8 inches long. At the top, it is formed from one of the layers of tissue surrounding your spinal cord, and extends from the bottom of your spinal cord to the tip of your tail bone. The outside of the "elastic band" has a few nerve fibres sticking to it.
The filum terminale works as an anchor for the spinal cord. For people with normal anatomy, the filum stretches when they bend over to allow the spinal cord to move up in the spinal column and then goes back to normal length when the person straightens up and gently pulls the spinal cord back to its normal position.
When the filum is fat-filled, fibrous and tight, it will not allow the spinal cord to move up and down within the spinal column, and so the spinal cord and the nerves end up being stretched instead of the filum. In most people this causes nerve damage".
Everybody has a filum terminale; it is a threadlike piece of tissue that connects the end of the spinal cord to the sacral end of the spinal canal in the pelvic area. In patients with a thickened filum (defined as more than 2 mm in diameter) [Yundt, 1997], the filum is shorter or lower-lying than normal and is thickened with fatty or fibrous tissue. This abnormality causes the filum to become relatively inelastic (a bit like a rope or cord, rather than an elastic band) and the spinal cord becomes tethered at an abnormally low level, thereby giving rise to the recognised signs and symptoms of a tethered spinal cord. "
More information can be found on the following website http://www.btinternet.com/~tetheredcordresources/tethered_cords.htm
Tomorrow we will be going to the hospital for labs and a pre surgery physical. Please pray for Caleb as he prepares for this surgery.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
How Time Flies!
Wow, I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post. We have been so busy around here getting together with family and friends and Lee just celebrated his 40th birthday.
We have also been very busy with Dr. appointments with Caleb. Caleb will be having surgery next week, May29th on his back. He has what they call a Fatty Filium or Tethered Cord. So, he will be getting that repaired next week as well as his doctor for the imperforate anus taking a look at his rectum to see if he has a stricture that is preventing him from going to the bathroom very well. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we have this surgery done.
We just got back from Utah celebrating my dear Niece Jade and Nephew Liam's birthdays this month. Jade is now 6 years old and Liam will be 4 the end of the month. We had a wonderful time at their party. We also saw Grandpa & Grandma Peterson and Uncle Koda..........although Mama forgot the camera at the hotel so has not pictres of that part!
I will post some more pictures in another post of the boys and activities over the past month, ENJOY!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Updates on the boys
Joey is feeling much better now that he is on antibiotics and his fever is gone!! HOORAY!!
Caleb had a big Dr appointment on Monday and it was mixed news. He is very healthy and doing really well. We found out his surgery in China for the Imperforate Anus seems to be ok and placed in the best position. We were also advised he has a more severe form of IA and will probably be followed all his life. If anyone wants more details on this you can email me privately. Caleb also has only one kidney and has a test next week to test the functionality and we will consult with a urologist next Friday to find out all the implications of everything.
With everyone being sick we have not taken a lot of pictures. Tax season is finally over so Baba should be home more and that will make things at home a lot easier!!
Caleb had a big Dr appointment on Monday and it was mixed news. He is very healthy and doing really well. We found out his surgery in China for the Imperforate Anus seems to be ok and placed in the best position. We were also advised he has a more severe form of IA and will probably be followed all his life. If anyone wants more details on this you can email me privately. Caleb also has only one kidney and has a test next week to test the functionality and we will consult with a urologist next Friday to find out all the implications of everything.
With everyone being sick we have not taken a lot of pictures. Tax season is finally over so Baba should be home more and that will make things at home a lot easier!!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Joey's Sick
Poor Joey has not really felt well since we were in China. It has been an up and down thing feeling good for a couple of days and then back to feeling bad again. We spent a good part of today in Urgent Care as Joey's temperature shot back up again over 102. He now has pnemonia poor guy. It has been a little crazy in the house with a bunch of Dr appointments and tests for Caleb and Joey being sick.
We have a big appointment tomorrow with the Colorectal Clinic at Children's Hospital in Denver tomorrow. They will take a look at some of the tests we have had done and give us the results as well as giving us a prognosis on Caleb's Imperforate Anus that was surgically repaired in China. Anyone reading this please send lots of good thoughts and prayers our way as we try to get Joey on the road to recovery and hope for good news at our appointment tomorrow.
We have a big appointment tomorrow with the Colorectal Clinic at Children's Hospital in Denver tomorrow. They will take a look at some of the tests we have had done and give us the results as well as giving us a prognosis on Caleb's Imperforate Anus that was surgically repaired in China. Anyone reading this please send lots of good thoughts and prayers our way as we try to get Joey on the road to recovery and hope for good news at our appointment tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Diaper Changing Pad
We have never had a changing table before and didn't find it necessary with Joey. However, with Caleb we are changing diapers frequently and changing them on the floor was becoming quite literally a pain!! So Aunt Kelly very generously (THANK YOU!!) got us a changing pad with a cover and some extra blankets to help keep it clean. So I set it up in out living room yesterday. I had changed the boys each a couple of times on it and it is working out great!! Well I am in the kitchen and Joey comes in telling me something, something, POOPY and is putting a "used" wipe in the garbage. OK......Poopy got my attention. So, I ask him if he is poopy. "NO!! Froggy Poopy." Ok......time to investigate. This is what I find.....
He then proceeds to where I keep the diapers and wipes and digs up a couple more wipes and proceeds to clean froggy up.

One he is all cleaned up Joey tells me "All better now" and takes froggy off the table!! I am so glad I was pretty quick with the camera for this one!!
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